Tracking Instructors Course BRONZE (ONLINE)

DO YOU RUN DOG TRAINING CLASSES? Become a BRONZE TRACKING UK Sniffer Dogs Instructor! Become part of the next set of UK Sniffer Dogs Instructors......  Successfully teach UK Sniffer... [ Read more ]

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£600.00 (+VAT)

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Product code: TRKONBRIN

Become a BRONZE TRACKING UK Sniffer Dogs Instructor!

Become part of the next set of UK Sniffer Dogs Instructors...... 
Successfully teach UK Sniffer Dogs Workshops, Classes and hold Trials at your pet dog training school! 


Course Content
This online course will teach you the skills, give you the confidence and most importantly QUALIFY you to hold your own UK Sniffer Dogs TRACKING workshops, classes and trials.  Work through a variety of theory and practical videos at your own pace, with support of a dedicated Facebook group.

Topics include:
  • The science of scent
  • Track laying 
  • Step by Step instructions on how to run 6 week classes, series 1& 2 workshops, and trials

What you will receive:
  • Online access to theory and practical videos
  • Access to a dedicated Facebook group for support
  • Detailed class plans to enable you to run a 6 week course and workshops
  • Trial templates so that when your clients are ready you can hold your own competitions! 
  • A certificate and bound book with class plans on completion and passing of your assessment.
  • Lots of fun and learning with your dog at your own pace!*

Your Dog
  • Your dog does not need to have any previous scent work experience.  However it’s fine if your dog does have experience - our methods will not interfere with what they already know. 
  • Please feed your dog out of a RED KONG (must be red) at least once a day for at least one week before starting the course.
  • Please note, our instructor courses are aimed at you the instructor not your dog or your dog’s performance. The emphasis is on giving you the skills and knowledge to confidently deliver UK Sniffer Dogs classes, workshops and trials. 

Minimum requirements
Our courses are designed for dog trainers looking to expand their knowledge and/or to introduce scent work to their clients. Attendees should have qualifications with the APDT, IMDT, SCS, VSA, PPG, PPN, ICAN, ISCP or scent qualifications such as WSDA Instructor, Scentwork UK, UKCSD or any other form of Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Association.  We are aware there are many amazing, knowledgeable dog trainers within this industry without any formal qualifications. We would hate to miss the opportunity of having awesome trainers onboard with our programmes because of this. 

If you do not have any formal qualifications from the list above and would still like to participate in our courses we would like to invite you to make an application.  Please request an application form here

Please also ensure you read what is required about becoming a UK Sniffer Dogs Instructor.

Becoming a UKSD Instructor
Before you start your course you must sign a contract agreeing to our Instructor Terms and Conditions.  This will form part of the online learning but you can read up on the expectations here.
As part of our terms and conditions a licence fee of £10 per month will be charged and billing will commence after you have passed your course. The licence fee is mandatory for all instructors and will give you use of our course content for classes, workshops and trials, use of our logo and be added to our Instructors Directory on our website.  You may also elect to upgrade to our membership instead - see below.

  • You are not permitted to teach unless paying the UK Sniffer Dogs licence fee 
  • You may cancel after a minimum of 12 months but all association with UK Sniffer Dogs and teaching our copyright content must cease with immediate effect
  • It is your responsibility to set up payments within 7 days of completing and passing your instructor course. You will not receive the logo or be added to our directory until this step is complete. 
Full terms and conditions can be found within your Instructor contract.

Upon successful completion of this course, as well as receiving CPD certification and becoming a qualified UK Sniffer Dogs Bronze instructor, you will also be invited to become a UK Sniffer Dogs member.  Our membership provides our instructors with further training support and business development.  Membership details for more information!

Important Information
We hope you enjoy working through the course.  However please remember that UK Sniffer Dogs material is protected by Copyright and so until you have successfully completed the assessment process, you are not permitted to perform any training using the content of the course.  *You have 6 months to complete the course from the date of purchase.


Having already completed bronze and silver in scent detection, I decided to branch out and try tracking. My male Border Collie is always nose down so I thought this would be perfect for him and clients dogs alike. I was not wrong! Jamie was not only informative, patient and knowledgeable but taught with a sense of humour which made everyone feel at ease. Not only do you get to learn the theory side of tracking and the science behind the dogs awesome olfactory system, there was enough practical to help you really understand how you were going to teach it. It was good that you got to see it from the ‘learners’ point of view and the ‘instructors’ too.
Great course and throughly recommend you do it! If you can do the in person course all the better too, as you get to troubleshoot whilst you’re there.